Processing Time Report  

The Processing Time report shows the time it took for your server (or your host's server) to process each request. The processing time is listed in seconds with a theoretical accuracy of milliseconds. Note if your processing time appears to be about 100-times too long, then you are probably hosted on an IIS system that reports in 100th second intervals rather than second intervals.

Processing Time Report: Number of requests by Processing Time.

Processing TimeNumber of requestsNumber of bytes transferredNumber of page requests
1.02,4432.472 MB0
2.<= 0.0100.000 B0
3.0.01-0.0210,3589.444 MB1
4.0.02-0.0525,97478.622 MB3
5.0.05-0.1 43,442115.070 MB3,197
6.0.1 -0.2 75,1231.101 GB60,486
7.0.2 -0.5 248,1416.696 GB232,886
8.0.5 -1   86,2963.771 GB85,060
9.1-  2 83,3165.191 GB82,721
10.2-  5 64,6705.440 GB64,398
11.5- 10 3,307423.684 MB3,215
12.10- 20 80083.625 MB611
13.20- 60 48537.129 MB447
14.60-120 527.615 MB48
15.120-300 19704.228 KB15
16.300-600 364.221 KB1
17.> 600 2256.000 KB2

This report was generated on August 4, 2024 13:39.
Report time frame January 1, 2024 00:01 to August 3, 2024 22:54.

Web statistics report produced by: analog 6.0 / Report Magic 2.21